Homeopathy is a unique treatment modality that stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself. In homeopathy, we prescribe minute doses of a substance (often derived from plants or minerals) to drive the healing process. Homeopathy is safe and highly effective in all stages of life, even pregnancy and infancy. It is non-toxic and does not interact with any medications or other naturopathic therapeutics, which makes it a beautiful addition to almost any treatment protocol.
acupupuncture & cupping
Acupuncture is an ancient treatment brought to us by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). During acupuncture treatment, fine needles are inserted into the skin along various points based on your condition. Acupuncture works by influencing TCM meridians and the flow of Qi (energy) through these meridians.
Cupping is another TCM modality that can be used alongside acupuncture or as a standalone treatment. During cupping, cups are placed along areas of concern (typically the back and shoulders) to stimulate blood flow, healing, and release muscle tension.
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on treatment utilizing light touch to evaluate and manipulate the craniosacral system. The craniosacral system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. This gentle approach improves the functioning of the central nervous system along with digestive, respiratory, musculoskeletal, circulatory systems and more! This treatment is not only deeply restorative and relaxing, but offers support for countless ailments whether physical, traumatic, or mental-emotional in orgin.
botanical medicine & supplementation
Even when the foundations for health have been met, sometimes our bodies need additional support to optimize healing. I utilize herbal and nutritional supplements to address acute and chronic concerns, treat nutritional deficiencies, mitigate medication side effects, and more.
nutrition & lifestyle counseling
Diet and lifestyle are an essential part of the healing process, however can be nearly impossible to navigate on your own. With my strong background in nutrition studies, I am passionate about educating patients on these topics. My ultimate goal is to help you find joy and healing in food and movement!